
Showing posts from May, 2014

The 'world's craziest, beautiful cars'...

  PLAY VIDEO   Atlanta, Georgia (CNN) -- Italy has David, Paris has the Mona Lisa and now, Atlanta has the Firebird I XP-21. Don't laugh gallery snobs and car-haters: The automobile has vaulted from the streets to the lofty art world. Even if automobiles aren't your thing, the Firebird's bizarre wings and bubble cockpit are worth a peek. It's among 17 "concept cars" on exhibit at Atlanta, Georgia's High Museum of Art. Many of these are one-of-a-kind. When you first walk into the exhibit, it's clear these cars aren't designed for mere mortals. Every car has a price, and these are worth millions. But in reality, the unique nature of this collection makes them priceless in a growing market. Collectible car sales last year in the U.S. topped $1 billion. Gallery: Concept 'Dream Cars' on display Money aside, this exhibit really exemplifies America's long and fiery hot love affair with cars. Vandals flip smart cars upside down Why

kaveesha Kavindi Premabandu


Hiruni Bandara
